Visitor FAQs
I’m not Presbyterian. Is there a place for me at Frenchtown Presbyterian Church?
Without hesitation, we can assure you that you are welcome because Jesus Christ calls each and all of us into God’s Kingdom. Our Presbyterian name reflects both a heritage and a present-day connection with other congregations who share a common mission in the world. Our members come from a number of different backgrounds and you will find us reading the same Bible, worshipping the same Triune God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), and seeking to grow into the new life that Jesus proclaimed. We welcome you to explore our life together.
I haven’t been to church for a long time. Will others know I am confused about the worship service?
People experience Sunday worship in different ways. Not all of us are singers; not all of us read at the same speed; not all of us are physically able to stand for some parts of the service. We are understanding of some people’s need to just sit and listen for a while until they find a connection.